Please select campus name.
SUNY Online offers services to support online education at participating SUNY institutions.
The Participating Institution (PI) agrees to the following:
1) Term: This Agreement shall take effect on July 1, 2023.
2) Service Level Agreement: The Service Level Agreement (SLA) provides a detailed outline of the services offered during the term of this agreement. The SLA is subject to change during: (1) budgetary restrictions from New York
State and (2) limitations on SUNY Online staffing resources.
If any of these events should occur, SUNY Online will provide notice to the PI of proposed amendments to the SLA, and shall provide communications outlining the amendment’s effective dates. If applicable, SUNY Online will create a plan to compensate campuses for unexpected hardships. In the event the amendments render SUNY Online unable to provide the contracted services, the PI may terminate this PIA and receive a pro-rated return of funds paid for the services.
3) Service Changes: (1) The PI commits to maintain services selected in this agreement for a one year period. (2) During the term of this agreement, the PI may add any new services that become available through SUNY Online. (3) If the PI opts to amend or terminate any of the SUNY Online services in this agreement, the PI must notify SUNY Online of the change 90 calendar days in advance of the renewal date.
4) Annual Fee & Payment: Annual billing will be based on services provided from July 1 through June 30.
5) Campus Support: The PI agrees to maintain reasonable levels of campus staff, as described within the Campus Responsibilities sections of this Service Level Agreement, with appropriate skills to work with SUNY Online personnel.
Cost Information:
Quotes for pricing were sent to the campuses in March. Individual campus cost information will be available in the ATIS Finance Portal on June 1st
Click here to access ATIS Finance Portal
Request for Services
Required Service
Full Help Desk:
Weekdays 7 AM to Midnight
Saturday 10 AM to 8 PM
Sunday 10 AM to 9 PM
Supplemental Help Desk (60% of full cost):
Weekdays 5 PM to Midnight
Saturday 10 AM to 8 PM
Sunday 10 AM to 9 PM
Student Support Services Contact: michele.forte@suny.edu
Institutional Readiness Contact: dan.feinberg@suny.edu
Enrollment Planning Roundtable Contact: dan.feinberg@suny.edu
PIA must be signed by a campus executive designated as an authorized signatory.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
By clicking submit, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the terms of the Participating Institution Agreement.
**A completed copy of this form will be sent via email.